A culture is the system of beliefs, disciplines, practices, and relational boundaries that reveal how life is lived among a particular group of people. Movements of any kind succeed when they have created a culture that can sustain it. Revivals have failed at this point in times past. Instead the great moves of God have been measured by how many meetings we have, and how many people we bring into our buildings. While this is good, it is incomplete.
We have been working on building a kingdom culture in order to sustain the present move of God. A culture of revival by nature positions itself for future advancements. It is this approach that enables and empowers people to invade society instead of waiting for them to come to us. The transformation in the world system around us is absolutely amazing.
This is the most definitive teaching on what Bethel's culture is and what we're working towards, not only in individuals, but also in God's five-fold government. This series was done at one of Bethel's Transformation Schools for leaders, and it was strongly recommended that it be made available for all.