The curriculum, "Kids Carrying the Kingdom", is a gathering of Kingdom truths and values. It is "God Friendly", and each lesson provides the children an opportunity to personally invite and encounter God's presence. It is at this point of meeting God that hearts are truly transformed. I truly believe that imparted truths and experiencing the Father's presence, will equip and release our children to demonstrate His love and power. In doing so, the Father is glorified, His beloved Son is honored, and the Holy Spirit is welcomed.
Lessons 1-13 137 Pages
- "Two Kingdoms" defines and contrasts the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of darkness
- "Who's My Daddy?" reveals God the Creator as God our Heavenly Father
- "God's Love Reaches Down" shows how a loving and Holy God reached through our sin
- "Royal Mission" an invitation to God's children to bring Heaven to earth
- "A Gift From Heaven" introduces the power of God, the Holy Spirit
- "Smeared With God" a teaching and releasing of God's anointing
- "Authority to Rule" the authority Jesus has given us to demonstrate His Kingdom on earth
- "Soaking in His Presence" describes how to "be still and know God"
- "Hearing God's Voice" how to hear and recognize when God is talking to us
- "God's Word are Good" teaching, demonstrating and releasing the gift of prophecy
- "God's Healing Love" a scriptural study on God's desire to heal
- "Healing the Sick" teaches children how to minister God's love through praying for the sick
- "Review/Special Events Week"