FondX Mirror Glaze Piping Gel - Clear

FondX Mirror Glaze Piping Gel - Clear

Price: $0.01 0

1 lb11 lb

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Size: 1 lbs (16 oz) or 11 lbs  |  Color: Clear  |  Flavor: Neutral

As a Mirror Glaze it provides a spectacular crystal outer glaze to your fruits, tarts, danishes, pastry products & can even be poured on to cover cakes. It’s great for cheesecakes, mousse cakes, & birthday cakes.

• Directions for Glazing: Put the required amount of cold mirror glaze into a bowl & stir until it becomes a smooth texture that can be easily applied. Then with a brush or a spatula pour directly on to your fruit, pastries, tarts, & cakes. To adjust & soften the texture, place the Glaze into the microwave in 5 sec. intervals.

As a Piping Gel it is a wonderful decorating tool that will allow you to use your imagination and creativity. It’s great to use as an edible glue & pipes very easily, perfect for writing words or drawing details.

• Mirror Glaze Piping Gel can also be colored beautifully with soft gel colors & even luster & petal dust colors. To adjust texture, mix with buttercream frosting or whipped cream for a softer & smoother texture to stabilize & add body, also increasing its ability to accept color.

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